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Partner Order Entry Tool (POET) guide for Select Plus and Select 6

Date de modification 2021-07-09

This guide is to help partners familiarize themselves with specific POET scenarios for Select Plus and Select 6. We recommend reading the POET base training guide prior to reviewing the specific program modules. Topics include:
1. Select Plus agreements
2. Initial order Software Assurance (SA) proration—billing type
3. POET for Select Plus
4. POET for Select 6
5. Zero usage (ZU) report
6. POET Select FAQ

Mises à jour et modifications apportées au programme Guide des ressources opérationnelles Grand compte Contrat de licences pour fournisseurs de services (SPLA) Éditeur de logiciels indépendant (ISV) Sélectionner Select Plus Éducation Open Value Abonnement à Open Value Administration publique Contrat Microsoft Get Genuine Windows (GGWA) 960 540