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Microsoft Sentinel Migrate and Modernize (Partner-led)

Microsoft Sentinel Migrate and Modernize helps accelerate and simplify customer migration and modernization projects to Microsoft Sentinel workload.

Microsoft Sentinel Migrate and Modernize

Partners provide guidance to execute a Microsoft Sentinel migration project, including migrating from other solutions to Sentinel or deploying Sentinel for new customers.

Medium project size
Proof of Execution (POE) document for the medium size Sentinel Migrate and Modernize: $125,000 USD to $250,000 USD per year planned Sentinel Consumption.
Large project size

Proof of Execution (POE) document for the large size Sentinel Migrate and Modernize: $250,000 USD + per year planned Sentinel Consumption.

Partner-led resources for partner readiness

Microsoft Sentinel Migrate and Modernize summary deck

Microsoft Sentinel Migrate and Modernize FAQ