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Intelligent Cloud: Azure Toolkit

Find out more about the resources available to help you support your customers’ migration to the cloud.

Dozens of Helpful resources, all in one place

Microsoft offers a wide range of tools, learning opportunities, programs, and incentives that can be leveraged to help land new Azure customers and accelerate current ones. The Azure Toolkit has been assembled to help Partners learn more about all the ready-to-use resources that are available—and make them easier to find.

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Find out more about the various funding options available for customers making the transition to Azure.

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ECIF Customer Training

<p>Do you have a customer opportunity that needs unblocking? ECIF funding can help. Partners who provide a SoW with projected Azure Consumeed Revenue at a 10:1 ratio can apply for ECIF funding to provide one-on-one training to enhance customer skills and/or the adoption of Azure cloud solutions.
Note: Be sure to allow adequate time in advance of the event to ensure compliance guidelines have been met.
Contact your PDM or Microsoft Field contact relevant to the account for assistance and additional details.

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Azure Access CSP - Proof of Concept (PoC) Credits

<p>This powerful program provides Azure credit to end-customers’ subscriptions created in CSP. Microsoft will pay for the subscription consumption during the Proof of Concept period. Once its been proved to be successful, charges are switched automatically back to the CSP partner to continue the sales cycle while the move from PoC to production environment occurs.
Contact your PDM or Microsoft Field contact relevant to the account for assistance and additional details.</p>

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