Professional wearing glasses and smiling

Products & Solutions

Find out more about how products and solutions can supercharge your business.

Desktop device

Windows & Devices

Share our goal of having Windows 10 on a billion devices. Don't miss this opportunity to take advantage of resources to ensure your business succeeds with Windows services, applications, and devices.

Professional working remotely from home office


Office gives you the power to overachieve. Sell the great features of Office and increase productivity across entire organizations.

Person walking in data center


Windows Server 2016 delivers global-scale services to your customers and provides a highly dynamic, highly available, and cost-effective platform for your customers' datacenters and clouds.

Two people working together in a datacenter

Cloud Services & Apps

The Microsoft cloud offers software-, platform-, and infrastructure-as-a-service solutions that reduce costs, improve security, and create new business opportunities for partners.

A retail worker demonstrating an embedded/IoT device


Digital transformation and IoT provide channel partners with an unprecedented opportunity to help reshape the value of computing with innovative hardware, use of data, and deeper analytics that drive action across businesses.

People working together in an office building


Learn more about Microsoft Teams Rooms and systems to help customers collaborate, and resources partners can use with customers.