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TwoConnect case study: Defenders

TwoConnect app using Microsoft services updates process at Defenders

The job: Updating the credit check process

Home security company Defenders wanted to evolve its credit check process for new customers. A third-party service provider also was involved.

An integration solution built with Microsoft Azure services

Using Microsoft Azure Logic Apps and more, Microsoft partner TwoConnect developed a solution for Defenders and its credit check partner.

App extension enables business process improvements

TwoConnect’s solution streamlined Defenders’s customer relationship management sales pipeline and the credit check interaction.

An increased need for Azure enterprise integration services

TwoConnect, a modern software solutions company based in Miami, Florida, has led hundreds of integration implementations covering all major industry sectors. TwoConnect simplifies software development and has been a Microsoft gold-certified partner since 1995. TwoConnect offers consulting services through the Azure Marketplace.

Defenders is a leading home security services provider in North America. From its founding in 1998, Defenders has seen its team grow to more than 2,000 members. Today, Defenders runs a mix of on-premises and Software-as-a-Service applications for core business functions while handling application integration using Microsoft BizTalk Server and Azure enterprise integration. The successful rollout of Microsoft Dynamics 365 is driving an increased need for Azure enterprise integration services, such as Azure Logic Apps and Azure Service Bus.

Query prioritization and other benefits

Defenders relies on a third-party service provider to perform credit checks for new customers. Credit checks are a vital sales tool and an important step in developing new business, but the process can be slow and error-prone. Credit checks must also be handled carefully and securely, as they are a regulated activity.

To safely integrate with Defenders’s credit check partner and avoid repeated credit checks, TwoConnect developed an Azure Logic Apps extension for the existing BizTalk Server-Dynamics integration app. Microsoft services used in the integration included Dynamics 365, Azure Logic Apps, Azure Service Bus, Azure SQL Database, and Azure API Management. The Credit Check Integration App manages the entire interaction between Defenders’s credit check partner and Defenders’s sales pipeline, which is based on Dynamics 365. The app enables the prioritization of queries based on business rules, avoiding costly repeat checks, and it dynamically queues and retries new credit checks in the event of communication failure or partner downtime.

With Azure Logic Apps managing the credit check process, Defenders sales associates need not worry about credit check delays or failures during the sales process. The sales process can continue uninterrupted and without repeat checks, reducing costs, and increasing productivity.

"TwoConnect filled our emergency requirements with an outstanding knowledgeable resource," said James Ellis, Strategic Sourcing Manager, Defenders. "We didn’t know what we didn’t know, and they were able to get our issues taken care of and helped with developing our internal staff."


"Our solution using Azure Logic Apps is the natural step toward a complete cloud service-based IT platform. We helped Defenders achieve their goal quickly and efficiently by adding an Azure Logic Apps extension to their existing BizTalk Server-Dynamics platform."

—Javier Mariscal, President, TwoConnect

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