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Intelligent Cloud: Azure Toolkit

Find out more about the resources available to help you support your customers’ migration to the cloud.

Dozens of Helpful resources, all in one place

Microsoft offers a wide range of tools, learning opportunities, programs, and incentives that can be leveraged to help land new Azure customers and accelerate current ones. The Azure Toolkit has been assembled to help Partners learn more about all the ready-to-use resources that are available—and make them easier to find.

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Live workshops and webinars available to teach your customers essential Azure skills or help them dive deeper into specific topics that are relevant to their business.

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Azure Discovery Days (ADDs)

Use Azure Discovery Days to plant the seed of the benefits that Azure has to offer with a full-day, entry-level, general overview led by a Premier Field Engineer (PFE).
Note: For best results, it is suggested to follow up with the customer the day after their Azure Discovery Days session to get their feedback and recommend an Azure Ranger Session.

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MS Communities

Register to attend an Azure Meetup with groups across the country to discuss a variety of cloud topics with other IT professionals and developers.

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Azure Webinars

Our interactive Azure Webinars feature experts on key workload topics and the ability to participate in live Q&A sessions. MS Partners can also generate their own solution-based webinars to be included on the portal.
Learn more by talking to your Partner Development Manager today and register to attend on the Azure Event Site

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Dashboard in a Day Program

This Business Intelligence Partner Program enables you to build your expertise to showcase your solutions to customers. To participate, Solution Partners must meet the following criteria:
<ul class="indent"><li>Silver or Gold level competency</li><li>Have a showcase published on PowerBI.com</li><li>Have selected “Participate in DIAD program” in their profile on the Microsoft Cloud Partner Portal</li><li>Have a Microsoft Master Supplier Services Agreement (MSSA) in good standing</li></ul>


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Connect Partner Update

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