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Kyndryl resolves IT issues with Microsoft AI—so employees don’t have to

Kyndryl, a leading global provider of IT infrastructure services, developed virtual agent capabilities to streamline their IT support and quickly resolve technical issues.

March 26, 2024

When your organization builds, manages, and modernizes mission-critical technology systems, the last thing your employees need to worry about is resolving IT issues. That’s where Kyndryl—a leading global provider of IT infrastructure services—saw an opportunity to let AI do what it does best: solve time-consuming problems with known and repeatable solutions.

“These are the type of issues that businesses can save money on by allowing their employees to focus on more valuable tasks,” said Dennis Perpetua, Kyndryl’s Digital Workplace Services Global CTO. “IT issues, in particular, can put a halt on anyone's productive workday.”

Kyndryl turned to Microsoft Power Platform to help employees get their technical issues resolved quickly—so they could spend more time on value-driven work.

A fully connected virtual agent

Using a combination of natural language AI and Power Platform, Kyndryl developed virtual agent capabilities. The deep ecosystem of Microsoft solutions helped unify data and connect those virtual agents to the tools they needed for efficient IT support.

“We created an application that can be accessed within Microsoft Teams that allows end users to be able to integrate with ticketing systems, interact with backend data, and trigger workflows,” Perpetua explained.

A person looking at a laptop

“These are the type of issues that businesses can save money on by allowing their employees to focus on more valuable tasks”

—Dennis Perpetua, Digital Workplace Services Global CTO, Kyndryl

Immediate savings and impact

Once the virtual agent was ready, Kyndryl deployed it internally to tens of thousands of employees before presenting it to customers—and the results were significant.

“We immediately saved $1.3 million by sunsetting a legacy system,” Perpetua said. “In the first month, we had 47,000 unique visitors, and since we deployed it, we've had 225,000 engagements.”

Now, Kyndryl can deliver the same impact for their customers. “We’re currently working to deploy this with customers so that they can receive these same benefits,” Perpetua said.

Two people hovering over a laptop Two people hovering over a laptop

“We immediately saved $1.3 million by sunsetting a legacy system”

—Dennis Perpetua, Digital Workplace Services Global CTO, Kyndryl

Trust and service

As one of the world’s largest infrastructure service providers, Kyndryl has a long history of building trust with its customers and, like Microsoft, is committed to managing generative AI innovations responsibly.

“Kyndryl's virtual agent builds on Kyndryl's deep expertise deploying AI solutions,” Perpetua said. No matter where customers are on their digital journey, Kyndryl can create a customizable framework for their business.

As a Microsoft partner, Kyndryl has advisors and industry experts ready to help others meet emerging needs and achieve measurable results. Leveraging their expertise across industries, Kyndryl uses their own success to build a trusted data foundation for customers while helping them navigate the ever-expanding generative AI ecosystem.

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