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Let's Skill Up! Program

Hands on keyboard of Surface Laptop Hands on keyboard of Surface Laptop

Enabling future-ready skills and talent for the digital economy

Microsoft has been committed to enabling future-ready skills and talent for the digital economy. We see this as our responsibility as a technology and industry leader, and have adopted it as one of our national aspirations as we look to create economic opportunities and societal impact in the Singapore market. With COVID-19 accelerating the need for upskilling efforts, we have designed a program specifically to help our SME partners and customers look into enhancing their workplace learning practices.
Team of 4 in a group meeting Team of 4 in a group meeting

Designed to help Partners & Customers

The Microsoft Let’s Skill Up! program reflects the importance for SMEs to acquire critical industry-relevant skills to thrive and meet the fast evolving needs of the technology industry, without being left behind. Participating SMEs will receive complimentary skills gap analysis and advisory, and customized learning solutions and interventions offered at subsidized rates to best equip their workforce for the digital economy.

Partners Benefits

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Enjoy <strong>FREE advisory and consultation</strong> on skills development for your organization

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Enjoy <strong>subsidies</strong> and funding for curated training programs:
• Enhanced <strong>course fees support</strong>
• Enhanced <strong>absentee payroll support</strong>

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Enjoy <strong>FREE access to <a href="" title="Microsoft Learning" target="_blank">Microsoft Learning</a></strong> resources from LinkedIn, GitHub and Microsoft Learn

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Enjoy <strong>complimentary 90-min SkillsFuture Advice (SFA) workshop</strong> to help SMEs transition and adopt workplace changes

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<strong>Access to Job-Ready, Fully Trained Local Talent (e.g. SCTP)</strong>

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<strong>Opportunity to Assess and Hire Candidates</strong> from <strong>Microsoft #GetReadySG</strong> Train-and-Hire or Hire-and-Train Programs

<h3>To participate in <strong>Microsoft Let’s Skill Up! program</strong>, please email your interest at <u><a href="'s%20Skill%20Up%20Program%20|%20Start%20your%20Skills%20Development%20Journey%20Now!" title="" target="_blank"></a></u> <br/>and our Skills Development Advisor will get in touch with you</h3>