
LawToolBox365 is an add-in for legal that resides entirely within Office 365.

LawToolBox logo Inc.—an all-in-one court rules provider and deadline management system provider—offers LawToolBox365 bundled into Microsoft Office 365 Outlook, the world's leading business email application. In partnership with Ingram Micro, the largest Microsoft Office 365 distributor in the US and worldwide, LawToolBox365 will be offered as an add-in for legal. It will be bundled into the Microsoft Office 365 purchase process, as well as offered à la carte for firms that already have an Office 365 subscription, beginning June 9, 2016.

With its matter-based backbone inside Outlook, LawToolBox365 allows legal professionals to manage deadlines from beginning to end without ever leaving their Outlook Inbox. Microsoft Outlook users see various buttons in their Outlook Ribbon that activate based on what they are doing, such as "Calculate Deadlines," "Share Deadlines," and "View Deadlines." The "Calculate Deadlines" button in the Outlook Ribbon permits attorneys and staff to instantly calculate and update deadlines based on US state and federal court rules. (For example, select "California Superior Court – LA County" the first time LawToolBox365 is activated for a matter, and then select the trigger date such as "Date Trial Commences," and see anywhere from 5 to 70 deadlines, depending on that court's rules.)

"Share Deadlines" adds deadlines internally to Outlook calendars and externally to a client's Google calendar, witnesses’ Outlook calendars, an expert's iCal calendar, or an insurance adjuster's Lotus Notes calendar (with no software downloads required on recipient's end).

LawToolBox365 helps attorneys avoid missed deadlines, which is the number one cause of malpractice claims against attorneys. This solution also gives law firms and legal departments another set of eyes watching for court rule changes, and when rules change, it notifies them and updates their calendar.

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