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Operations readiness resource gallery how-to guides

Date de modification 2023-09-25

The Operations Readiness resource gallery provides you with useful views of information on changes that affect you. Use the resources in this collection to find out how to get easy access to the Partner Launch Calendar, Product Launch Calendar, Promo Guide, and Partner Community Collections, which are all published on the second Tuesday of each month, or to find the latest communications for your programs.

Operations Readiness home page

Operations Readiness Resource Gallery

Contenus marketing Mises à jour et modifications apportées au programme CSP News Partenaire CSP indirect CSP direct Revendeur indirect CSP Adhésion Référencement Éducation Commercial Fully Packaged Products (CFPP) Contrat de fournisseur de solutions (SPA) Grand compte Distribution de logiciels électroniques (ESD) Contrat Microsoft Get Genuine Windows (GGWA) pour grandes entreprises Contrat Microsoft Get Genuine Windows (GGWA) Administration publique Éditeur de logiciels indépendant (ISV) Contrat des produits et services Microsoft (MPSA) Open License Open Value Abonnement à Open Value Sélectionner Select Plus Contrat de licences pour fournisseurs de services (SPLA) Commercial Marketplace