Collage image of a person working on their laptop with a neutral landscape background Collage image of a person working on their laptop with a neutral landscape background

What is the new commerce experience?

Through the new commerce experience, you can unlock growth opportunities, drive more customer success, and lower complexity and costs—no matter how your customers buy.

Collage image showing workers in a modern office space

Enable faster, simpler transactions and grow your business

The new commerce experience eases transactions to drive sales, customer cloud adoption, and business resilience. As a partner, you can streamline and optimize licensing. Here’s how:

  1. Prioritizing customer needs ensures the best purchasing outcomes.
  2. Clarifying our primary purchasing motions provides options tailored to customer needs.
  3. Recognizing the partner opportunity in every motion helps your customers gain the most value from their tech.

Discover how

Unlocking value across the customer and partner journey

Expand business with continuous selling

You tailor solutions for customers. Tailor sales and purchasing motions to them, too, based on their needs. We’ll help you grow your portfolio at the scale of Microsoft.

Deepen connections with value-added services

Build strong customer relationships—and drive digital transformation—with custom, one-time, and recurring solutions through the world's largest tech ecosystem.

Reduce cost and accelerate customer success

Boost adoption across customer solutions with scalable management and tooling. Enhance and optimize operations, customer satisfaction, and relationship management.
Adapt to selling seat-based offers in the new commerce experience in the CSP program—and most other scenarios—with this handbook on provisioning, billing, and subscriptions.

Prepare your business with news and resources

The new commerce experience is most fully realized in the CSP program. Harness its power with resources that can apply to Web Direct and other sales motions in the future.

Key information
With policies, guidelines, pricing, and incentives, this one-stop resource provides helpful details about the new commerce experience as it relates to the CSP program.
CSP seat-based offers
Explore this library of resources on new commerce seat-based offers, or license-based services, and how they affect transacting in the CSP program.
Migrating from legacy
Learn how general availability of seat-based offers in new commerce delivers consistency, flexibility, and aligns with industry practices—and review key dates for the transition.
The CSP opportunity
Manage the end-to-end customer engagement lifecycle and unlock value in the CSP program, our primary partner sales motion for SMBs, comprising over 90,000 participating companies.