A woman composes an email on a laptop

OnePlace Solutions Case Study

Microsoft AppSource enables delivery of the OnePlace Solutions app across multiple form factors, while also ramping up the company’s sales pipeline

A SaaS transformation

OnePlace Solutions invested in transforming to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model to help customers use its OnePlaceMail for Outlook app on the move, on the phone, or on a browser. The company sought a marketplace on which it could maximize its visibility while also gaining other benefits.

Modern workplace enablement

Microsoft AppSource was chosen as a place where customers could enable OnePlaceMail across all five environments in which Outlook is available. OnePlace Solutions also chose AppSource for access to its ever-growing pool of customers who are ready to purchase line-of-business applications.

Boosting the sales pipeline

Over a 12-month period, OnePlace Solutions saw more than 71 percent of its OnePlaceMail leads come through the AppSource marketplace, which qualifies as a huge success in visibility for the company. OnePlace Solutions also saw its number of active installs steadily increase on AppSource during the same time frame.

OnePlace Solutions undertakes a SaaS transformation toward a modern workplace

OnePlace Solutions creates products to connect end users with Microsoft SharePoint and Office 365 solutions—it enables people in business to do more, simply. Its OnePlaceMail for Outlook app allows customers on any device to save and classify Outlook emails and attachments to SharePoint and Microsoft Teams channels. OnePlace Solutions is a Microsoft Partner with Gold Application Development Competency that has 18-plus years of experience across 35 countries.

OnePlace Solutions heavily invested in a transformation to make its Windows desktop solutions available in the Microsoft Azure cloud to support different form factors and a modern workplace. Customers need to use OnePlaceMail on the move, on the phone, or on a browser. Now, when customers are ready to make that move themselves, OnePlace Solutions has an option for them. OnePlace Solutions worked closely with Microsoft on the transitions in the technology stack, and found it also had to make big changes in business processes and licensing.

AppSource aligns OnePlace Solutions with Microsoft and delivers a significant new source of leads

The move to a SaaS business paid off with new opportunities for OnePlace Solutions, including availability of OnePlaceMail on Microsoft AppSource, an online cloud marketplace providing tailored line-of-business solutions. AppSource enabled OnePlaceMail to be available across all five environments in which Microsoft Outlook is available, it plays a key part in OnePlace Solutions’ strategy to gain visibility on numerous form factors, and it helps showcase all of OnePlace Solutions’ innovations.

The OnePlaceMail for Outlook app was one of a few selected for launch of the Outlook for Android add-in support. And integration with Microsoft Teams recently was made available to help move conversations, where appropriate, from Outlook email to a modern workplace in Microsoft Teams.

AppSource offers OnePlace Solutions a centralized and global approach that will be key to growing right alongside Microsoft’s cloud marketplace. In addition to being a storefront for line-of-business decision makers at prospective customers, AppSource also helps OnePlace Solutions gain valuable co-selling traction with Microsoft sales staff as well as enabling third-party offers, whereby a CSP can take an ISV solution to create even more value to customers.

Over a 12-month period, OnePlace Solutions saw more than 71 percent of its leads come through AppSource, a huge success in visibility for the company. OnePlace Solutions also saw its number of active installs steadily increase on AppSource during the same time frame.

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