Capitalize your Azure Sales

Expand your Azure Sales knowledge and become a Microsoft Azure Services Star Seller!


<h2><strong>18 steps to propel your sales to the Cloud(s)</strong></h2>
<p>New Cloud technology can help you source, manage and close more leads. However, this might sound easier in theory than it is in practice.<br>
In the upcoming webinars series, we will look at how you can use Azure Cloud services to boost your sales team’s productivity and clinch more of those all-important deals!<br>
<p>The Azure Sales Star Program will take you through the process of preparing and carrying out tactical sales discussions to articulate, position and sell services based on Microsoft Azure. The courses follow proven participant engagement methodology and are designed to support partner Sellers in the best position for articulating, positioning and selling Microsoft Azure Services.</p>
<p>The outcome of the program will be operational Azure sales readiness and the capability to monetize with Microsoft Cloud Services.</p>
<p><strong>Join us</strong> and earn yourself recognition with an <strong>AZURE SALES STAR BADGE!</strong></p>
<h3><strong>Become A Certified Azure Sales Expert</strong></h3>
Having a title does make a difference!
<a href="" class="button cta-x cta-x-primary bg-yellow" aria-label="primary cta" target="_blank"><strong>Get Certified</strong><span class="icon icon-trailing icon-caret-fwd" title="Get Certified"></span></a><br><br>
<strong>START, SMART or SHARK?</strong><br>
You can test your knowledge by choosing one of the three certification levels.

azure start icon

<h3 class="center">Standard Knowledge</h3>
<p class="center">As a partner seller, you’ll be assessed against <strong>standard</strong> Azure Sales proficiency</p>

azure smart icon

<h3 class="center">Advanced Knowledge</h3>
<p class="center">You’ll be assessed against advanced Azure Sales proficiency: <strong>advanced</strong> Cloud Sales Tactics, Objection handling and basic Azure Sales Scenarios</p>

azure shark icon

<h3 class="center">Expert Knowledge</h3>
<p class="center">You’ll be assessed against <strong>expert</strong> Azure Sales proficiency: in-depth and practical insights about basic & advanced Azure Sales Scenarios</p>

We've got it all covered! And it’s FREE!

Each of the 3 tracks contains 6 webinars and 1 hands-on live session.

Azure Sales Enablement

Get started by joining the Baseline of Azure Sales where we will provide you with valuable insights from top Azure Sellers and help you achieve that additional competitive advantage.

Azure Land

The upcoming webinar sessions will walk you through different challenging scenarios, such as how to build a business continuity plan and give you the tools to provide your customers with flexibility of virtualization in the Cloud.

Azure Expand

If you want to learn more about Open Source on Azure, Software-defined data center, DevOps tools and other related topics, join this series of upcoming training sessions to champion your sales.

<h2><strong>List of Webinars and Live Hands-on Sessions</strong></h2>
Azure Star Seller webinars will help you to sell Microsoft Azure Services like a pro. Trainings and live sessions are designed to increase your Azure Sales readiness.


<h2><strong>September 26, 2017</strong> INTRO/KICK-OFF SESSION WITH MICROSOFT</h2>
<p>The topic of the kick-off session is introductions to the Azure Sales Star program and upcoming webinars. A guest speaker from Microsoft will share Microsoft Azure priorities in the ongoing fiscal year and how their support will contribute to your sales.</p>
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<p>11.00 to 12.00 SGT</p>
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<p>14.00 to 15.00 SGT</p>
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<p id="Enablement"><h2><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Azure Sales Enablement Track</strong></h2></p>

<h4>September 29, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Digital technologies are rapidly evolving at a pace never seen before. What used to take years to change and settle, now takes just months and will likely speed up in the near future. The focus is on learning about the rising opportunities of digital transformation and the Cloud, market drivers, trends and client preferences.</p>
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<h4>October 3, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Various types of customers are buying Cloud services at different times and for different reasons. In order to meet customer expectations, we need to better understand the changes in buying and the associated Cloud services adoption lifecycle.</p>
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<h4>October 6, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>The Cloud is not yet a mainstream market. Who are the best prospective stakeholders within a client organization? One of the most important findings from successful Cloud services providers is about addressing the right people with the right message at the right time.</p>
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<h4>October 10, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>In 2016/2017 we delivered Cloud business enablement sessions for more than 400 partners in 28 countries around the globe. From those engagements, we learnt that the best performing partners are indeed doing things differently. Starting from how first successful sales are created, all the way to how sales processes are adopted to comply with new customer demands and digital trends, this webinar will provide you with valuable insights from top Azure Sellers.</p>
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<h4>October 13, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>The majority of today's customers are in latent pain and have several objections to Cloud adoption. In order to cross the chasm of trust, we need to approach them with an educational and disruptive sales approach. What are the talking points to challenge and disrupt clients in their thinking?</p>
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<h4>October 17, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Azure as a platform offers more than 70 services. Combining those services with partner expertise and delivering best-of-breed solutions gives the highest value to customers. To do so, having a comprehensive view of the Azure Value proposition and customers' needs can be of tremendous help.
Successful Azure sellers understand and are able to determine what is the right Azure practice that will be complementary to the partner's existing portfolio and will provide an additional competitive advantage.</p>
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<h2><strong>October 20, 2017 </strong>AZURE SALES HANDS-ON LIVE SESSION WITH MICROSOFT</h2>
<p>To win more customer deals, you will need to effectively pitch Azure capabilities to business decision-makers, handle complex sales conversations in different sales scenarios and services of Microsoft Azure, and provide prospective buyers with valuable knowledge. In this session, Microsoft will share
how they drive sales through a digital transformation discussion.
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<p>11.00 to 12.00 SGT</p>
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<p>14.00 to 15.00 SGT</p>
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<p id="Land"><h2><strong>Azure Land Track</strong></h2></p>

<h4>October 27, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Business continuity solutions help protect critical data and applications, while helping to reduce planned downtime and speed recovery in case of an outage. Even a minor outage can put you at a competitive disadvantage. The best way to overcome this is to be ready with a business continuity plan that includes disaster recovery for all your major IT systems - without the expense of secondary infrastructure. In this webinar, we will go through different challenging scenarios and how to build a business continuity plan.</p>
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<h4>October 31, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>As companies are striving towards digital transformation, mobility and remote workforces are on the rise leading to the formation of a new primary compute platform. Companies want to help their employees be more productive, anytime and anywhere, by letting them use their favourite apps and devices. At the same time, certain standards need to be achieved, to keep the data and devices protected and manageable from a company perspective.
In this training session, we will cover the most relevant aspects that Azure sellers should master to effectively sell services to digital workers.</p>
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<h4><strong>DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING ON “STEROIDS”</strong></h4>
<h4>November 3, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>You are delivering more features faster, which means that you need to keep up with a comprehensive set of development and testing tools for your team to collaborate and deliver at Cloud speed. Keep up with developer demand by dramatically reducing the time, effort, and cost required to provide development and test environments for building custom applications.
In this webinar session, you will learn to quickly create consistent development and test environments on your terms through a scalable, on-demand infrastructure.</p>
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<h4><strong>CLOUD STORAGE WITH AN ON-PREMISES “CHARACTER”</strong></h4><br>
<h4>November 7, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>One of the biggest challenges that enterprise storage customers face is massive data growth and the amount of storage management work required to keep it up. Using dedicated on-demand infrastructure means there is no need to set up or maintain costly on-premises equipment for new or special projects. By using local storage for performance, you have the flexibility to retain all volume data locally.
In this session, you will learn how to best sell and position a Cloud storage option with an on-premise character that adapts to customers' needs.</p>
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<h4><strong>HYBRID CLOUD AUTOMATIONS & MANAGEMENT</strong></h4><br>
<h4>November 10, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Management automation for the hybrid Cloud can be deployed on Azure or within your customers' data centers and used to automate their key infrastructure. This way, they can spend more time focusing on the work that adds business value, reduce errors and boost efficiency by automating frequent, time-consuming, and error-prone Cloud management tasks.</p>

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<h4>November 14, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Virtual machines give clients the flexibility of virtualization for a wide range of computing solutions. They can quickly launch Windows Server and Linux virtual machines and use them as if they added another rack in their data center, giving them the power to deploy an application and scale in minutes instead of weeks.</p>
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<h2><strong>November 17, 2017 </strong>AZURE SALES HANDS-ON LIVE SESSION WITH MICROSOFT</h2>
<p>Every service has its own specific “rules of engagement”. What are those small “secrets” and examples of good practice that help partners to sell specific services? In this session, Microsoft will share some of the latest tips and tricks related to the topics presented in the first 6 webinars.</p>
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<p>11.00 to 12.00 SGT</p>
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<p>14.00 to 15.00 SGT</p>
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<p id="Expand"><h2><strong>Azure Expand Track</strong></h2></p>

<h4>November 21, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Turn your customers' data processing efforts into powerful analytics and interactive data visualizations that provide real-time insights of their business and bring customer intelligence efforts to life. Expand your clients' analytics capabilities to deploy rich dashboards quickly at Cloud scale while managing costs.</p>

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<h4>November 24, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Customers need to be able to quickly create and deploy high scale websites and applications that can scale with their business. Provide them with an end-to-end solution that gives them much more and help them with building, deploying, scaling and managing powerful websites and web applications that fulfil their enterprises' needs.</p>
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<h4>November 28, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Help your SAP customers to simplify infrastructure management, improve time-to-market and lower costs by enabling them to take advantage of on-demand resources in the Cloud.
This way, customers can quickly deploy SAP solutions across dev & test and production scenarios - providing unparalleled performance for the largest SAP and SAP HANA workloads.</p>
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<h4>December 1, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>With Azure, you have more choices to help your customers embrace the Cloud while maximizing their existing investment in open-source applications, frameworks, and languages. Make sure that your clients can use the tools they love and the skills they already have.
Given Azure's support for IaaS on the Linux, Java and PHP web application platforms, you can develop and test Linux and open source components in Azure. You can also add the power and scale of Azure to their Red Hat applications, and rely on Azure to quickly deploy them. With open source on Azure, clients will be able to run virtually any application they want, using their data source and with their operating system, on their devices.</p>
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<h4>December 5, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Bring more flexibility and cost savings to your clients' infrastructure with a software-defined data center (SDDC) that will help them solve their operational and budget challenges.
Blend physical and virtual infrastructures together through software-defined computing, storage, and networking technologies. With SDDC, you can run customers' data centers with the utmost confidence by using an automated, resilient server operating system. Ultimately, you will be able to increase data center efficiency, reduce storage management costs with software-defined storage capabilities and move the network-control layer from hardware to software.</p>
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<h4>December 8, 2017 at 12.00 to 13.00 SGT</h4>
<p>Streamline your customers' continuous application delivery lifecycle with dev & ops tools. Help them accelerate the delivery of software and updates, optimize their dev & ops teams’ resources, save them time and cut costs to ultimately bring more innovative applications into users' hands faster.</p>
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<h2><strong>December 12, 2017 </strong>AZURE SALES HANDS-ON LIVE SESSIONS WITH MICROSOFT</h2>
<p>Our live sessions are designed to let you in on those additional small “secrets” and examples of good practice that help partners to sell their specific services. In this session, Microsoft will share some of the latest tips and tricks related to the topics presented in the sessions nr. 7-18.</p>
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<p>11.00 to 12.00 SGT</p>
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<p>14.00 to 15.00 SGT</p>
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<h2 class="center">Online and Interactive</h2>
<p class="center">Azure Star Seller program webinars are delivered live in convenient 45-60 min online sessions</p>

Sales Specialist

<h2 class="center">Azure Sales Specialization</h2>
<p class="center">Designed to increase specialization through easy to understand trainings with a step-by-step approach</p>


<h2 class="center">Highly Valuable Courses</h2>
<p class="center">Designed for advanced & expert Azure Sales Scenarios with the possibility to attain Certification</p>

<h2><strong>The Azure Sales Star Blog</strong></h2>
Get your sales specialization started with a selection of <strong>posts and a case story</strong> for Azure sellers like you!

Selling Cloud Services in the Digital Era

Sales teams need to move on from past hard selling techniques to one in which the customer is put at the core of the selling process.

Blog post 2

Dev/Test in the Cloud is a Persuasive Move

What the Cloud has to offer for developers and testers is just too attractive to miss.

Love Affair and the Perfect Conversation Starter

How can you leverage Open Source Software to deliver Cloud services in a multi-option market?

Moving SAP to the Cloud: The Real Game Changer

Switching entirely to Azure Cloud helped Softtek speed up SAP deployments and have a scalable, more reliable way to deliver agile IT to their global clients.

Brought to you by Consalta

At Consalta, we strive to give every business the opportunity to grow and build their digital DNA. Digital technologies are evolving at a rapid pace never seen before. What used to take decades to change and settle, now only takes years and will likely speed up in the near future. Progress in technology has changed the way we live, work and do business, urging companies to reshape and put new structures and strategies at their core. We help businesses adopt and make the most out of technology to stay competitive along their digital journey. Our consultants have 15+ years of experience in sales and management roles in the IT industry and a track record of 1400+ satisfied clients.

David Balazic

<p class="text-center"><br><ins><a class="text-center" href="" target="_blank">David Balazic</a></ins></p>
<p class="text-center">Consultant | Managing Partner</p>

Gregor Dedic

<p class="text-center"><br><ins><a class="text-center" href="" target="_blank">Gregor Dedic</a></ins></p>
<p class="text-center">Consultant | Digital Enabler</p>

Samo Kanellopulos

<p class="text-center"><br><ins><a class="text-center" href="" target="_blank">Samo Kanellopulos</a></ins></p>
<p class="text-center">Consultant | Business Developer</p>


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