Consultant with customer

Volante offers payment solution for financial institution

<h2><strong>How Volante Technologies is transforming payment processing for financial institutions of all sizes</strong></h2>

Seeking greater efficiency

FIMBank was looking for an efficient way to process growing Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) payment volumes and engaged Volante to address their current and future payment processing needs.

A holistic approach to payments processing

Implementing a combination of components from its VolPay solution built on Microsoft Azure and a new offering of managed services, Volante was able to provide rapid, cost effective functionality and integration to FIMBank’s existing platform and infrastructure.

Prepared for today and for tomorrow

FIMBank has an efficient, fully modernized SEPA payments process solution that positions the institution for future growth and innovation as its business expands.

Volante, a co-sell ready Microsoft partner since 2017, provides enterprise software solutions, deployed on-premise or on Azure, for the financial industry. Volante helps clients become more competitive by simplifying their systems and processes so they can stay ahead of emerging market trends.

As a provider of solutions for payments and financial message automation, Volante serves as an active, trusted partner for customers ranging from the world’s largest banks—four of the top five corporate banks are Volante customers—to local and regional institutions.

The need for a new strategy

FIMBank, headquartered in Malta, is a leading provider of trade finance, factoring, and forfaiting solutions, was in the market for a new solution to process its growing Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) payment volumes. FIMBank concluded that Volante was better positioned to meet its strategic payments goals, initially implementing a managed service solution for SEPA payments, with an eye towards extending it in the future to process other types of payments.

"In the fast changing world of payments, VolPay-as-a-Service on Microsoft Azure ensures that institutions have rapid access to applications to support their payments processing needs without the lengthy implementation and update cycles normally associated with traditional deployment options.”

— Vijay Oddiraju, CEO, Volante

The solution provides rich functionality for FIMBank’s current and planned SEPA payments requirements and the flexibility to integrate the solution with its existing platform, thereby eliminating the need to build any additional infrastructure.

Volante’s solution leverages the following Azure services:

  • Azure VMs (RHEL 7.x) for all VolPay components (VolPay UI, Rest, Hub, Channel) as well as VM for Active MQ for message queuing
  • Azure SQL database as a service
  • Azure Network Security Groups
  • Azure scale sets for auto scaling and zone availability for high availability
  • Azure VPN Gateway for S2S VPN connections with customer
  • Azure BLOB storage
  • Azure WAF
  • Azure monitoring

As the first client for Volante managed services, FIMBank has a modern SEPA payments processing solution running at lower cost and higher efficiency. The scalability and adaptability of Volante’s solution, running entirely on Azure, has also positioned FIMBank for future growth and innovation.

“VolPay-as-a-Service for our SEPA payments provides us with an opportunity to switch providers rapidly and cost effectively. The combination of rich VolPay functionality together with the flexibility to integrate the solution easily to our existing platforms without the need to build additional infrastructure, is an ideal value proposition.”

— Gilberto Coleiro, CIO, FIMBank

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