Partner with Microsoft Surface

Enroll as an authorized reseller and unlock exclusive benefits, offerings, and incentives to drive your business growth with Microsoft’s Surface.

Sfrutta i vantaggi

Diventando un partner Surface, puoi usufruire di una rete di professionisti e di risorse utili per supportare i tuoi clienti.
A person working with Surface device A person working with Surface device

Marketing collateral

Get ready-made marketing campaigns and collateral.
Two persons working with Surface device Two persons working with Surface device

Operations resources​

Keep up with new products, pricing, offers and incentives.
A person working with Surface device A person working with Surface device


Expand your opportunities with Surface programs and resources.
A person working with Surface device A person working with Surface device

Additional Support​

Access sales support and technical training.
Visita la nostra pagina delle domande frequenti su Surface per assistenza.

Diventa un partner Surface

Una volta completata l'iscrizione, avrai accesso ai prodotti, i programmi e i materiali Surface più recenti. Il tuo percorso Microsoft Surface inizia qui.