person working on laptop

Modern Workplace

Practice Areas

Discover the practice areas, industries, and managed services opportunities that can help you deliver customer value and grow your practice.

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Modern Desktop

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Security and Compliance

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Intelligent Communications

Understand the business opportunity

Intelligent communications opportunities are rapidly emerging as communications and collaboration practices converge to create a single comprehensive practice with significant growth potential.

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Modern Operations

Enable improved meeting and calling experience by ensuring an optimized meeting performance.

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Globally Resilient Meeting Performance

Ensure that the voice and video traffic gets onto the Microsoft network faster for a better experience and performance.

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Actionable Insights

Enable insights and actions in the calling and meeting experience to improve the media quality and user experiences.

Teams is the fastest growing business app in Microsoft history

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Organizations use Teams.

person discussing on board

87 Fortune 100

Companies use Teams.

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44 Languages

are supported in Teams.

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60 customers

Have 10,000 or more active users.

Intelligent Communications for Calling and Meetings

Lead by example. Deploy Teams with calling and meetings in your organization.

Build your intelligent communications business

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Journey to Teams

Help your customers create a true center for intelligent communications. Assist them on their journey from Skype for Business to Teams as they migrate into a modern era of communications.

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With Microsoft Teams meetings, you can deliver a single client experience for audio, video, and web conferencing. Offer your customers more immersive experiences to improve collaboration across teams.

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Deepen your customer engagements—and simplify communication and collaboration for your customers— by adding calling capabilities in Office 365 and Teams.

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Augment your expertise with that of other partners to create comprehensive calling and meeting solutions around Microsoft Teams that combine devices, solutions, and services.

people communicating across globe

Guide the Journey

Prepare to help your customers on their journeys from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams.

Go to Market

Explore Microsoft security solutions to help customers of all sizes protect critical data.

women working on laptop

Microsoft Driven Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams Upgrade: Helpdesk Guide for Partners.

person going to work

Microsoft Teams documentation and practical guidance.

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Deployment and Planning Services Workshop.

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Skype for Business to Teams Partner Upgrade Planning (includes Partner Readiness Kit, Partner Sales Kit, Customer Sales Kit, and Offer Kit).

Grow your business

Scale your business with Partner Marketing Toolkit - an interactive guide that will help you jumpstart your practice for Microsoft Teams.

Sign in for an enhanced partner experience

Sign in to Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program for a more personalized experience. Not a partner yet? Find out where partnership with Microsoft can take you.